Sunday, June 29, 2014

A peek at my week...

I was blog hopping today, searching for fun new ideas (and procrastinating from folding laundry), when I stumbled across a fun new linky...

I'm usually up for anything if it gets me out of doing laundry, so I'm up for it. Here goes...

This week, my third full week of summer vacation, I have several things on my To Do List that I'd like to accomplish.

First on the list, is to go visit my brand new, beautiful niece that was born yesterday. She's actually my great-niece, and I can't wait to meet her!! I'm taking my 4 year old daughter to meet her as well, and she has already packed two of her own baby blankets to bring with, "in case the baby gets cold". I'd also like to go out to dinner with my husband sometime this week, as it's been about 10 months since we've done that. Sigh. Fat chance. Finding a babysitter for three kids is much harder than it was for two!

In my never-ending battle to keep my house clean, I will probably have to do about 38 loads of laundry, wash every dish we have in the house, twice, and sweep the floors 47 times. In addition to that, I'm working on reorganizing my storage room. If I don't blog ever again, it's because I am buried underneath rubbermaid mountain.

I am one of those weird teachers that likes to do lesson plans in the summer. When I was in labor with my last child, I labored all night so I didn't get any sleep. Labor was terribly intensive, and I couldn't stand being up all night without getting something I worked on lesson plans. Yup. You read that right. Making SMART lessons and working with Google soothes me. Some say it's a sickness, but I'm OK with it. My goals for this week are to get a handle on the new 7th grade curriculum that I will be teaching next year. I will still have four sections of 6th (Earth Science), but will now also be teaching two sections of 7th (Life Science). The outstanding teacher that will be sharing 7th grade with me already has done some great work finding lessons that are aligned with the Next gen Science Standards...and we share a lot of the same teaching I'm excited about this new assignment. What I need to do this week it look more deeply into the NGSS for Life Science, then start to dive into her lessons so I can tweak for my teaching style. I use an Interactive Science Notebook, and she doesn't, so I'll be making a lot of things for their notebooks as I wade my way through the material.

Thanks to Jennifer at Mrs. Laffin's Laughings for a great Linky idea.

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  1. Hi Sarah!

    So glad you could join us this week! Congratulations on your new grand-niece. It is so sweet that your daughter wants to share her blankies! I know what you mean about cleaning the house and laundry. I will do almost ANYTHING to get out of doing it. (Blogging comes in very handy as an excuse quite often!)

    Have a great week! Hope to see you again next Sunday!!
    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

    1. Thanks Jennifer! Blogging does come in handy when I'm playing the avoidance game. I love that game. :)

  2. Google soothes me too! I am glad I found your blog through the linky! I will be in 7th grade science this year too. I can't wait to see all your great ideas and to collaborate with you if possible!

    Get Your Science on in Room 701

  3. I stumbled upon your blog, as I'm googling, TPTing, and searching the depths of the internets for all things middle school! I am a brand new teacher, who will be teaching 7th grade (all subjects). Do you share any of your Lessons? I read that you do ISN and would LOVE to see how you do them! I know I want to use them and am a bit overwhelmed at the idea, so I'd love to see what you come up with!

  4. Sarah,
    I'm glad I'm not the only one that enjoys planning in the summer. It's super relaxing and .... dare I say... fun :o)
    I'm also a fan of WBT. When Coach B came to my school district I had to have a picture with him! I felt like a rock star groopie. I've been wondering through your blog in between planning sessions. I really enjoy the middle school slant you describe in your posts.

    Thanks for all the help you have offered with WBT!!!
